
Showing posts from September, 2011

Suka Hati Lah Apa Yang Nak Aku Paparkan

Suka Hati Lah Apa Yang Nak Aku Paparkan


Dari Sulaiman bin Shurad r.a. berkata: ketika saya duduk bersama Rasulullah saw, tiba-tiba ada dua orang saling memaki sedang salah satu telah merah wajahnya dan tegang pula urat lehernya maka Rasulullah saw bersabda, “Saya mengetahui suatu kalimat yang apabila kalimat itu dibaca, pasti hilang perasaan marah kamu itu, "A’UZUBILLAAHI MINASYSYAITHOONIR RAJIIM.” (HR Muslim)


Oh Mountains of Mecca, what can you say Of the day that Abraham passed your way And He was instructed by God to build A House of peace where people will pray And they will come on every lean camel and out of every ravine For the purpose of praising Allah, to glorify Allah Oh Mountains of Mecca, what can you tell Of the day when stones from the sky fell Destroying an army determined to break The House of Allah that Abraham built Oh Mountains of Mecca, how was the dawn On the day that my Prophet Muhammad was born How did it feel knowing he was to be, the last and most beloved of all Rasul of Allah, Nabi of Allah Oh Mountains of Mecca, you were there When the Prophet Muhammad climbed down in despair Engraved in his heart were the words of his Lord To all of mankind this was his call La illaha illAllah, Muhammad-u-Rasullullah Oh people praise only Allah, Glorify Allah Oh Mountains of Mecca, how did you mourn On the day that the beloved returned to his Lord And up till the last breath escap...

Surah Rahman - Beautiful and Heart trembling Quran recitation by Syed Sadaqat Ali - YouTube

Surah Rahman - Beautiful and Heart trembling Quran recitation by Syed Sadaqat Ali - YouTube

High Speed Test

High Speed Test

